Thursday, January 3, 2008


Back pain treatment is not and should not be a one sided dictation from the top of the mount. You and your doctor are partners in pain working together to achieve the greatest pain relief and increased function. Every treatment decision your doctor makes is based upon his medical expertise, his understanding of your back pain, and value judgements he makes about you related to costs, benefits, and risks of treatment. You must learn about the eleven step hierarchy of back pain treatment. You must learn from and educate your doctor about your back pain treatment, diagnoses, causes, and triggers. You must educate your physician at every appointment about the costs and benefits of the treatments you are receiving and the risks you are willing to take. You should make suggestions for treatment as you vigorously explore "cutting edge" options for treatment and pain management. Don't rely on your doctor to come up with new treatments, that's what the internet and other people in pain are for. Communicate effectively. Ask for what you want. Decline treatments you don't want. Take notes, write down questions and answers. Research topics you have discussed with your pain doctor. If your doctor has a problem with your partnership, or you have a problem with any other aspect of your doctor's treatment, you have the right to find a new doctor. Always. And your doctor has the right to terminate you as a patient. Always. Ultimately, both parties can walk away from a negotiation.

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